Access denied - Appium Options ctor()

When I start my test method in VS2017, my app is starting up and I get the LogIn window and when it should start typing username and password in the fields test crashes with next message:

System.TypeLoadException: Access is denied: ‘OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.DesiredCapabilities’…

and StackTrace leads to AppiumOptions ctor() in method used for creating LogIn session.

I work in Visual Studio 2017,

  • WinAppDriver version 1.1.190308001 -release,

  • Appium.WebDriver v4.0.0.6 - beta,

  • Selenium.WebDriver v4.0.0 - alpha01

  • OS Windows 10 Enterprise (developer mode),

  • WinAppDriver starting in Command Prompt (admin)

Hope someone will fix this soon

Best regards,
