AndroidUIAutomator scroll is very slowly

When I scroll with the code below, it scrolls very slowly, how can I speed it up?

public WebElement scrollToElement() {
    return getDriver().findElement(AppiumBy.androidUIAutomator(
            "new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().resourceId(\"tv_today_campaigns\")).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().text(\"Kampanyalar ve Duyurular\"))"));

hey everyone problem is

any idea ?

In debug menu try disable all animation

I did, still the problem persists.

try scrollForward() if it gives same slowness? ->

@Aleksei uses scrollForward() but still the problem persists. very interesting :confused:

This method is works but It doesn’t always scroll to the same place, even though it’s on the same page. what would be the reason.

35 times … wow. try switch to w3c actions for scrolling instead of slow UIAutomator. You have quite complex screen view, possibly it reason of slowness…