Appium 1.11.1 issue

Team -

My name is Tanmay and we currently use appium 1.7.2 to run our functional test cases on Android/iOS for our mobile App which allows many users to message, calls, Meeting etc. User data is a very critical part for the application, when user is using the application for a long time then it will have many messages, calls history, metting history, contacts etc which is not the case for brand new users.

Since 1.7.2 is quite old, wanted to update to 1.11.1 but we are currently blocked because of below issue on iOS only (Android looks good) -

  1. With Applium Version 1.11.1, 1.10, 1.9 (all default methods have been changed for touch actions, long press etc wrt new appium version) on our mobile App - While running with users 2,3,4 and 13,14,15 - tests failed because of heavy data, when users are having heavy data then appium is not able to interact with the locators where we don’t see the issue with Appium 1.7.2.

We also tried disabling Animation and still no luck.

Also did run the same on iOS 11/12 with XCode 9/10, Mac OS 9/10 but still no luck.

  1. With Applium Version 1.11.1, 1.10, 1.9 (all default methods have been changed for touch actions, long press etc wrt new appium version) on VOM App Version 7.6 - While running with users 31,32,33 - tests passed because of less data, when users are having less data i.e. brand new users then appium is able to interact with the locators.

Basically it is an issue with Appium new Version which is having issues in interacting with locators for users having heavy data only for iOS devices.

Can you please look into this and let us know a solution for the same?

Thank you.

In general there is not much stuff you can do there, because elements location is controlled by XCTest, which is on Apple side. However you can still try to optimize your locators:

I also suggest you put ios ids into ios code yourself. I do it with all projects i have. There still be issues like list of 100 elements and you want get it size == 100% slow down and wait can be loooong. In some cases ios predicates are rock. Try them.