Appium 1.6.0 | WebDriverAgent Code Signing Issue

We recently moved our project to iOS 10 and thus to Appium 1.6.0. But we haven’t been able to run the solution yet. When we start our selenium test cases after starting the appium server, it gets stuck saying that “No matching provisioning profiles could be found for WebDriverAgentRunner”.
I have a wildcard profile that I am using to sign this, and I have changed the bundle identifiers of the project accordingly.
And when I explicitly define which profile to use it says that “the provisioning profile could not be located”.

Not sure if I am missing a step here. Any help will be appreciated.

Hi All,

I am also having similar issue as mentioned by @RachitKhattar.

Is Provisioning file more than enough for this or do I need to ask anything more to my developer.
attached is the image below.

Any one can please help me in resolving this


I had the same issue, but it is actually addressed in documentation here. See “Real devices / Configuration” section. Basically, you have to create a small textfile (xcconfig) on your Mac host, and specify its full path in the desired capabilities of the test.

This will give you much clear picture