Appium Android- Error response status: 12, InvalidElementState

I am unable to send text in the details form

Fname,Lname, Email adddress all are failing. The cursor is on each field but doesnt wanna enter the text.

Here is the error. Please anyone has same issue please let me know.

[element.sendKeys("")] Error response status: 12, InvalidElementState - An element command could not be completed because the element is in an invalid state (e.g. attempting to click a disabled element). Selenium error: Cannot set the element to ‘’. Did you interact with the correct element?

do you have placeholder text in those fields? I had a similar problem where I had to clear the placeholder text before I was able to send text to those fields.

I tried Set element text instead of input text and it worked Erin. Try this.

Hey Rana! how do you set element text instead of input text?