Appium Desktop screen not synchronized with emulator screen

I was using Appium (version 1.7.2) to autoamte a 3rd-party app (Clinipad Soei) on an Android emulator. Below were the capabilities used in Appium Desktop:

“deviceName”: “Nexus 9 API 27”,
“platformName”: “Android”,
“app”: “ClinipadSoei_20180212.apk”

When launching this app on an emulator or real device, it firstly shows a welcome screen with spinning circle for about 4 or 5 seconds, and then it comes to the main activity screen. This behaviors as expected.

However when launching it on Appium Desktop by clicking the “Start Session” button, the Appium Desktop was getting stuck on the welcome screen, even though the related emulator correctly navigated to the main activity screen. As Appium was stuck on the welcome screen, we could not do anything.

Can anyone help me with it please? Thanks.

Here is the Appium server logging:

It is solved by using uiatomation2: “automationName”: “uiautomator2”.