Appium displays error in iOS 12

Appium doesn’t work properly in iOS 12. I have getting following error. I am stuck in it. Please help me.

Do you mean iOS 10? … and which version of Xcode are you using.

I also had a similar issue with Appium Doctor displaying the message but it did not stop me from getting Appium and Xcode 8 to work together.

Take a look at my post Appium Master iOS10 (Xcode 8) Discussion , I have written up what steps I took and how I resolved any issues.


I have getting issues on iOS 12 and Xcode 8.2. but it is working fine in Xcode 7.3 and iOS 10.10. I have updated iOS and Xcode after that i have getting above mentioned error. please help me. I am stuck in it from past one month.

it is not iOS 10.12… its OSX 10.12. iOS refers to iPhone operative systems versions.

About your issue please make sure that you have latests appium-doctor version:

npm uninstall -g appium-doctor
npm install -g appium-doctor

If it still continues not to work then follow these steps: