Appium driver does not instantiate in Android 7.0 , Appium client 5.0.1 , Appium Server 1.7.1 , Samsung


My code does the following calls when trying to instantiate driver and launch app.

  1. Call my instantiateDriver() method with parameters (URL, Capabilities) which inturn calls the following two Appium methods internally.

    - Call AndroidDriver(URL,Capabilities)
    - Call AppiumDriver(URL,Capabilities) ----> This call never returns. Does not throw exception also.

Verified that the URL and capabilities are valid, because the same parameters are passed for launching app in LG phone, which does not show up this issue.

Issue is that driver instantiation does not happen and Appium keeps on unlocking the phone.

My device - Samsung Galaxy Edge (Android 7.0) , ASUS (Android 6.0 )
Appium Server Version - 1.7.1
Appium Client Library - java-client 5.0.1

Issue happens after upgrading from Appium 3.x client library to 5.0.1

This issue is not happening in LG G4 device, with Android 6.0.
