Appium test on ios opens and close the application over and over again

I’ve downloaded linkedIn.ipa application and located it in Applacations/ on my mac machine.
I’ve run a tiny code that connects to the appium with an app capability of that linkedIn.ipa. however, in run time the simulator is shown up, and the application (linkedIn) opened and closed over and over again until the program crashes. the error output on the appium server is
info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2016-02-08 02:50:07.485 instruments[1437:29882] Attempting to change event horizon while disengage
info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: The operation couldn’t be completed. (FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain error 1.) : Failed to launch process with bundle identifier ‘com.linkedin.LinkedIn’
Am I missing something? Do I have to download the application into the simulator before?

In iOS You need to have the app with debug permissions. Contact your development team to provide you build with debug permissions.


I downloaded the application from iTunes app store… how can I get the debug permissions from there?

you can’t debug app downloaded from iTunes app store.

Ok…Then, Is there any way to test an application downloaded from app store, or it has to be developed by my development team?

Hello @adibiton ,

I have also encountered this question before, and i also had this problem while trying to test our application by directly downloading IPA from jenkins, this does not work unless you have a build signed with debug permission.

Maybe this related thread can help : The app must be signed with a development identity


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thanks you all for replying…
If I’m using real device(not simulator), can I test an application downloaded from itunes app store?

I`m 95% sure its a NO,
It should give the same provision issue if it is not signed with debug permission by devs. I work only with real devices and i could not make it work on iOS without that permission.

AFAIK only android can be automated regardless of source (Amazon, GP, direct apk).


however, can I test an application that is under release mode, or debug is necessary?

you need app to be in debug mode only and in case you are not having any such app you can use apps from this url for learning purpose (for simulator) and AppName.ipa (for iphone/ipad physical device) are the two files needed and created using Xcode IDE. You need to build the app as DEBUG/RELEASE (in XCODE -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Select RUN on the left panel -> Select INFO on top menu bar -> To the right of Build Configuration toggle between Release (creates an IPA*) and (Debug creates an APP). COMMAND+B will build your project. After the build process completes navigate to DerivedData folder which can be found using this: (in XCODE -> File -> Workspace Settings -> click on small arrow to the right of file URL. The file URL is just above the “Advanced…” button.

See XCODE (Window -> Organizer -> Archives -> Export -> Adhoc to create the IPA file).

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Se me presento el mismo problema me podrian decir si realizando jailbreaking a mi dispositivo, se resuelva este problema.