-bash: ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh: No such file or directory

I am using a Mac mini running sierra 10.12.6

I am getting 2 errors

1 while running ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d command
I would get message that -bash: ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh: No such file or directory
I uninstalled and installed carthage also linked it but still its not working.

  1. while running appium its not able to to fetch the dependencies and gives me following errors

Running WebDriverAgent bootstrap script to install dependencies
[XCUITest] Fetching dependencies
[XCUITest] *** Checking out RoutingHTTPServer at “v1.0.1”
[XCUITest] *** Cloning RoutingHTTPServer
[XCUITest] A shell task (/usr/bin/env git clone --bare --quiet https://github.com/marekcirkos/RoutingHTTPServer.git /Users/kpit/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/dependencies/RoutingHTTPServer) failed with exit code 128:
[XCUITest] fatal: Unable to look up github.com (port 9418) (nodename nor servname provided, or not known)

Can someone tell me where I might be going wrong.