Code Coverage : not generated on the device

I’m following the documentation given here : but I’ not able to do so as is not been generated. Please suggest since code coverage even lacks proper documentation . Logs coming in the appium are pasted below :
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.endCoverage() with args: [“com.adobe.aem.forms.END_EMMA”,"/mnt/sdcard/",“d147b18c-0f8a-4e86-9275-05b75aa41060”]
[debug] [ADB] Getting connected devices…
[debug] [ADB] 1 device(s) connected
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“32049bdb97e171cb”,“shell”,“rm”,"-rf","/mnt/sdcard/"]
[debug] [ADB] Broadcasting: com.adobe.aem.forms.END_EMMA
[debug] [ADB] Getting connected devices…
[debug] [ADB] Getting connected devices…
[debug] [ADB] 1 device(s) connected
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“32049bdb97e171cb”,“shell”,“am”,“broadcast”,"-a",“com.adobe.aem.forms.END_EMMA”]
[debug] [ADB] 1 device(s) connected
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“32049bdb97e171cb”,“shell”,“ps”]
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“32049bdb97e171cb”,“pull”,"/mnt/sdcard/","/var/folders/d3/yxwv5yn5715fk31lq36lnk780000gn/T/"]
[debug] [ADB] Running ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb’ with args: ["-P",5037,"-s",“32049bdb97e171cb”,“pull”,"/mnt/sdcard/","/var/folders/d3/yxwv5yn5715fk31lq36lnk780000gn/T/"]
[debug] [AndroidDriver] Error ending test coverage: Error executing adbExec. Original error: ‘Command ‘/Users/shekhar/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s 32049bdb97e171cb pull /mnt/sdcard/ /var/folders/d3/yxwv5yn5715fk31lq36lnk780000gn/T/’ exited with code 1’; Stderr: ‘remote object ‘/mnt/sdcard/’ does not exist’; Code: ‘1’
[debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.endCoverage() result: “”
[HTTP] [HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/d147b18c-0f8a-4e86-9275-05b75aa41060 {}
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteSession() with args: [“d147b18c-0f8a-4e86-9275-05b75aa41060”]
[debug] [AndroidDriver] Shutting down Android driver
[debug] [AndroidDriver] Stopping chromedriver for context WEBVIEW_com.adobe.aem.forms
[debug] [Chromedriver] Changed state to ‘stopping’
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [DELETE /] to [DELETE] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: “{“sessionId”:“355304416a802afc2b6b7ab886e9e196”,“status”:0,“value”:null}”
[debug] [Chromedriver] Changed state to ‘stopped’
[debug] [ADB] Getting connected devices…

This method is for Emma code coverage tool . You may try using Jacoco for coverage


I know this method is for emma . Since my android app code is also not on gradle so I might face issues with jococo too , Can you please let me know if there is any issue with the steps I have performed / given in the documentation?

Ok. if it is not on gradle is it using ant to build ?

If so try instrumenting your app using ant … from it’s root dir and use the resulting apk for testing