Deep links with iOS real device

Looks like time of custom solutions for deep links is coming to the end.
I’ve tried everything - creating sites, swift apps and of course sending keys into safari url
Now appium provides for REAL DEVICE starting from iOS 16.4 option to navigate using driver.get

It works like a charm for iOS 17, but as for 16 - I have some troubles.
When I first time open deeplink with driver.get - driver stucks and fails with timeout (Appium did not get any response from ‘setUrl’ command in 120000 ms). After that (as my device located remote) I need to handle prompt (see screenshot). And it works then.
The thing is I have different flavors of app (Alpha/Beta/Delta…) , so when I start run with another flavor - I have a new loop of described actions. Each install of flavor that differs from previous - a new loop. Thats terrible.
Deep links are the same

Who knows the ropes?

for iOS16 use old logic with Safari Automating deeplinks with iOS real device first time.

I’ve asked devs to add deep link as a launch argument :face_with_monocle: