How to drag and drop?

So, in this image:

I’m trying to move slider’s left black point, to the middle.
The locator is “android.widget.SeekBar” of a type of className.
It has property “content-desc” with a value of “Range start,2”.
When I move this slide to the right side, the “Range start,2” parameter increases accordingly:
“Range start,3”, “Range start,4” etc.

How to move this slider to a precise point of “Range start,100” ?
I’ve Initialed the TouchAction driver, identified locator this way:

@HowToUseLocators(androidAutomation = LocatorGroupStrategy.CHAIN)
    @AndroidFindBy(className = "android.widget.SeekBar")
    @AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//*[@content-desc='Range start,2']")
    private WebElement initialSliderLocation;

@HowToUseLocators(androidAutomation = LocatorGroupStrategy.CHAIN)
@AndroidFindBy(className = "android.widget.SeekBar")
@AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//*[@content-desc='Range start,150']")
private WebElement middleSliderLocation;

but it ain’t seems to work.

Any suggestions?