How to start appium installed on MAC OS from windows machine via class AppiumDriverService

I have a Test project developed in C# for web application in windows platform. I need to run same scripts on tablet device like iOS and etc.
For android devices I could achieve it and it runs fine. However I need to run same tests on iOS on safari and chrome browser. I installed appium on MAC machine. Now from my test code running on windows machine I want to start appium. I wa s trying with AppiumDriverservice but not sure how to pass node file information which is on another machine taht is MAC. Has anyone tried it ? Even though I pass the IPAddrsss of mac OS and appium node folder path it does not work and it always try to look for appium node folder in local machine.

  • Platform β€”iOS
  • Appium version β€” 1.16.0
  • Real Device β€” iPAD
  • The language you are using for writing tests – C#
  • Os - windows

Pls guide.