I am unable to use AppiumBy but I am using Appium 2.0

I installed the higher version but when adding AppiumBy to the code I get this is not part of the context error. it thinks I am missing a using. This is written in C#. I added the appiumVersion to 2.0 but AppiumBy is not being allowed. I use a third party cloud and they think its something In my code. not there environment cloud issue. I have checked my Nuget packages and all are up to date.
my using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium is what I am using for my driver seen below:
private AppiumDriver _IOSdriver;

I am also using this class

    private IMobileElement<AppiumWebElement> GetElement(By by)
        return _IOSdriver.FindElement(by);

Not sure If these are the culprit or not? AppiumWebElement uses OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.

Any Help is greatly appreciated.

with net you have MobileBy -> https://github.com/appium/appium-dotnet-driver/blob/8abb3181b9523d652a119bd4c4f3ee4e7b1cee30/src/Appium.Net/Appium/MobileBy.cs

some examples of code -> https://github.com/appium/appium-dotnet-driver/blob/master/test/integration/IOS/ElementTest.cs