I'm unable to set package and activity in the appium

Hi All,

The issue is with the space in the .apk path, Any folder name in the APK path should have given space remove and try it will work.

Since this is the first Google result for “appium cannot enter package empty drop down” I am necro-posting my Windows7 workaround. It astounds me that an issue spanning so many years has not been definitively fixed…

Thus, as a workaround for accessing apps already installed on the device, Shut down Appium and then edit the user.config file in:


Therein you will find the following XML markup among all other (supposedly) UI configurable settings:

<setting name="AndroidPackage" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="AndroidActivity" serializeAs="String">

Change the values, save, then relaunch Appium.
The UI will still be broken, but the server will start correctly with user.config properties.

For good measure, you may wish to delete any files from past Appium version folders.

It should be noted that I install my Appium server in a non-standard location (i.e. NOT in C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium) as I prefer to separate my Dev environment from my OS environment.

Hope this helps.

This worked mate thx :slight_smile:


I tried to set JDK path but still my Appium doesn’t show packages. Can you please help in it . Its urgent.
I have set environment variable.

export JAVA_JDK=Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_121.jdk/Contents/Home
export PATH=$JAVA_JDK/bin=$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin=$PATH
export PATH=$ANDRIOD_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Hi @akshaytaneja21,

You can use APKinfo.apk app available in play store for android to find out app package name and launcher activity.

Run aapt dump badging on terminal will gave you package name and launch activity

It works for me.Thanks.

Hi Kanishka, i am new to Appium and I am facing the same issue. “the choose button” is getting closed.
If you have solved this issue, please please:disappointed_relieved: reply back or reply me on
[email protected]


yes It was not taking path if you have any space in name of folder under .apk file path