"Interactions are not available for this element" iOS

macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Appium v1.7.2
Appium Desktop v1.3.2
Xcode v9.2
When I select button, using inspector, it says “Interactions are not available for this element”. The button is enabled and visible. In Xcode Accessibility for that button is enabled and it has button and user interaction enabled traits.
Any ideas why interactions are not available?


I’m having the exact same issue inside Appium Desktop. The big problem is that I cannot log in to the application to progress into the rest of the application.

macOS High Sierra v10.13.3
Appium v1.7.2
Appium Desktop v1.3.2
Xcode v9.2(9C40b)

Open my iOS native application inside Appium Desktop
Double click inside ANY text box input element to select the element to send keys for username and/or password
Inside the “Selected Element” window, a blue window alert shows text inside “Interactions are not available for this element” with a small darker blue icon with an " i " inside it renders.