InvalidSelectorException: Message: Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session

Platform you are automating: Android
Appium version: 1.8.0
Simulator/Emulator or Real Device: Emulator platformName=Android, platformVersion=7.1.1
The language you are using for writing tests (client binding): English I guess
Your OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6 (16G1314)

My problem
Since Appium 1.8.0. I’m getting:
InvalidSelectorException: Message: Locator Strategy ‘css selector’ is not supported for this session
Using this:
Element Should Be Visible id=${appPackageMyPackage}:id/rowTitle

This worked fine in Appium 1.6.1 or 1.7.2

I found a temporary workaround:

  1. npm uninstall -g appium
  2. npm install -g [email protected] --no-shrinkwrap

I hope this will be fixed in 1.8.0

I’m getting the same error. Is there anything better than downgrading appium?

  1. Update to the lates client
  2. Use proper driver defined for Appium, not for pure selenium webdriver

are common way to fix the issue
example =>