[iOS9 UIAutomation] What is Appium approach to UIAutomation deprecation by Apple

@mathewkuruvila @Jander
I have tried steps mentioned in Discussion: Getting existing automation to run with new Appium XCUITest driver,but could not succeed.

Any other way to start XcuiTest Driver than using Node?

I have tried steps mentioned in Discussion: Getting existing automation to run with new Appium XCUITest driver,but could not succeed.

Any other way to start XcuiTest Driver than using Node?

Sorry for getting a bit off topic…

@mathewkuruvila @Pranodayd - Yes. We have a Mac mini Appium server running that serves 2 iPad minis and 2 iPods in parallel (running at the same time). It’s limited to 4 devices, as there are only 4 USB ports. :wink: This is possible by spawning 4 Appium servers, each listening on another port. Multiple Instruments sessions are possible by specifying an individual tmp-folder per session.

Ok.Thanks @Jander
Can you please tell me a way to start XcuiTest Driver without using Node?
I have tried steps mentioned in Discussion: Getting existing automation to run with new Appium XCUITest driver,but could not succeed.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi @Jander.How to specify an individual tmp-folder per session?

@Pranodayd Just try this Appium prallel device execution in multiple machines

Achieved it successfully.


Any plan to support real device for xcuitest driver in future?


Any update on the firm date? :slight_smile:

I am guessing it is soon, right? Because as far as I know iOS 10 is in public beta now, which probably means that the official release is getting real close.

Thanks in advance for replying.


P.S. Just a suggestion, but I think it would be a good idea to create a separate topic with a post informing the status of xcuitest-driver. I am betting that many ppl are asking the same questions in many different topics :slight_smile:

Hi Jonahss,

Can you please update on the Appium 1.6.0 release date with XCUITest support.

Thanks in Advance,

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I think there is a bug in appium-instruments for bin/xcode-iwd.sh.

It adds and sets environment variables including the word string for both DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES and LIB_PATH. If you edit the plist after running the shell script, the simulator will run without delay.

The resulting com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.plist includes:

<string>string ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/lib/node_modules/appium-instruments/thirdparty/iwd7/DTMobileISShim.dylib</string>
<string>string ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/lib/node_modules/appium-instruments/thirdparty/iwd7/</string>

when it should be:


Here is a script to test it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

nvm install node
nvm alias default node
nvm use node

node_version=$(node --version)

npm install -g appium
npm install -g wd
npm install -g appium-instruments


sh “${appium_instruments_path}/bin/xcode-iwd.sh” “$xcode_path” “${appium_instruments_path}”

I’ve submitted a Pull Request #77 to appium-instruments to fix this. https://github.com/appium/appium-instruments

nice find @Russ - I applied your change locally and now testing on sim is really fast

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Pull Request #77 has been merged.

@Venkat I can see in npm that there is now an appium 1.6.0-beta1 version available

Does this work with all versions of iOS?

Are we have to waiting for new client (java client, python client, etc.) for full support of iOS 10 on real devices?

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any update on this @jonahss? Id love to be able to move on to xcode 8 and ios 10 but no support of xcuitest is holding the team back. I can’t let them release until test coverage is back up.

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@jonahss what is the expected date to release Appium 1.6 goldmaster?

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Hey @farnett did you get XCUItest working for your tests? Any work around for null sessionID issue?
Also did you run your tests on real devices?