Is it possible to set a desired capability (fullReset) for a single test out of many?

For one test in the middle of my test suite I need to use fullReset to completely clear any data stored in an app. I don’t want to set fullReset as a desired capability for the entire test run as this will significantly slow it down. After each test I tear down and restart the app. Is it possible to only trigger a fullReset on one specific test class? Using appium python client

Have you tried noReset instead of fullReset to only clear the data instead of completely uinstalling the app every time?

noRest successfully restarts the app on iOS, but does not clear the data like fullReset does

Oh i didn´t even know about that fact hah. Good to know. I dont know about Python but on Java you could probably do something like that do only clear the data

private void clearData() {
    try {
        // Clear data
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        runtime.exec("pm clear YOUR_APP_PACKAGE");

    } catch (Exception e) {