isDisplayed method is taking too long time for dynamic screen for android

I am testing Xamarin form app. Previously the test case were running fine in the xamarin form version

The developer have updated the Xamarin form to Since then i am having problem running the automation script for android. The problem is that in some screen with dynamic content isDisplayed() method is taking too much time (50 sec to 120 sec). In other screen (with non dynamic content) it only take 200 to 1000 ms.The same test script is working fine for ios.

Can anyone tell me why isDisplayed() method is taking too much time for dynamic screen for android app?

Appium Version : 1.12.1
java-client : 7.0.0
selenium-java : 3.141.59
For android i am using uiautomator2
And for iOS i am using IOS_XCUI_TEST