NET client has been released

Hi everyone! .NET client has been released recently.

Below is the list of changes:

  • All obsolete code was removed. #C client won’t support Appium server v lower than 1.5.0

  • Source code migration to C# 6.0. Now this bundle requires .Net Framework > v4.5 or Mono Framework version which supports .Net Framework v4.5 with Lang Level 6.

  • Update to Selenium.Webdriver v2.53.1 and Selenium.Support v2.53.1.

  • Update to Newtonsoft.Json v9.0.1.

  • Re-design of mobile searching strategies:

    • The class OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.MobileBy was added.
    • Classes ByAccessibilityId, ByAndroidUIAutomator, ByIosUIAutomation were grouped by the new class.
    • Static methods that create instances of ByAccessibilityId, ByAndroidUIAutomator, ByIosUIAutomation were added.
  • The method public W GetNamedTextField(String name) was marked obsolete. It is going to be removed.

  • ScrollTo() and ScrollToExact() became deprecated. They are going to be removed in the next release. The swiping action and OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.ByAndroidUIAutomator or OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.ByIosUIAutomation are recommended to use instead.

  • Server flags were added:

    • GeneralOptionList.AsyncTrace
    • IOSOptionList.WebkitDebugProxyPort
  • The SessionDetails property was added. This property returns a dictionary of the current session data.

  • #153 fix & #152 fix. These changes are supposed to be the temporary workaround. We are searching for a more convenient solution. It seems it requires some changes on the server side.

  • FIX of the swiping issue (iOS, server version >= 1.5.0). Now the swiping is implemented differently by AndroidDriver and IOSDriver.

  • the ability to start an activity using Android intent actions, intent categories, flags and arguments was added to OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Android.AndroidDriver. The StartActivityWithIntent method.

  • [Android] ability to push a common string as a file to the remote mobile device. The method was redesigned.

  • [Android] ability to push base64 encoded bytes as a file to the remote mobile device. The method was added.

  • [Android] ability to push a file as the file to the remote mobile device. The method was added.

  • Constructors like AppiumDriver(ICommandExecutor commandExecutor, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities) were added to OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Android.AndroidDriver and OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.iOS.IOSDriver. Also OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumCommand became public. The binding of these features may allow to use realated solutions of other vendors/modified Appium server builds which support JSONWP commands that default Appium/Selenium do not support.

  • The SetImmediateValue method was moved to OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumWebElement. It works against text input elements on Android.


Any idea about JAVA CLIENT next release?