Page source differences between iOS 13 and older versions

Upon executing my iOS test scripts on iOS 13 and older versions, my test scripts failed on older versions (iOS 11 & 12) due to different application source is rendered. The content of page’s source using driver.getPageSource() is very different for iOS versions below 13.

Do you guys have any ideas about this case? I’m currently using Appium 1.15.1


Found this: I have the same issue here, and tried the new settings here it doesn’t work also. Maybe I need to downgrade Xcode version?

Same here. Parts of the app I’m test is missing page source for all elements.
Any ideas?

with iOS you can miss elements easily :slight_smile: e.g. when developers using buttons or cells and put elements inside. is it pure XCUITest issue on Apple side. All you can do is:

  1. ask dev put accessibilityIdentifier to elements you need and show accessibility elements outside. in pageSource it will be look like elements outside buttons/cells.
  2. ask ios developers use Views instead.
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They do #1 already. Appium inspector also shows that captured element has unique identifier, but iOS 13 export page source differently with iOS 12. So right now I’m very struggle.