Safari navigate to an URL problem with search input

Hello :wave:!

I am facing a problem related to search through safari browser on iOS. In the past I was using this approach:

await driver.execute('mobile: launchApp', { bundleId: '' });
  const urlFieldSelector = 'label == "Address"';
  const urlField = await driver.$(`-ios predicate string:${urlFieldSelector}`);
  await urlField.setValue(`${url}\uE007`);

But now is not working I have tried so many differents approaches with no success. I am not able to open appium inspector on iOS and I already reported it in github inspector error iOS.

So I am using browserstack inspect beta and I see this information but I am not able to click or set value I have tried by label by xpath using the name property etc…

The problem happens in:
Browserstack using an iPhone 14 Pro with iOS16.3
In local via emulator using iPhone 14 with iOS 16.2

Any idea? I am using appium in javascript
Thanks in advance

Apple has fixed mobile: deepLink API since iOS 16.4, so you could try that in the future. is an example of opening a url in Safari via UI automation.