Setting up Appium for android react-native app

Hello all,

New to appium and mobile testing in general.

I have a react-native android app that I am trying to test using Appium.

My problem is my tests can’t seem to find any of the elements on the page. I can see the elements when I use uiautomator to inspect them, but the tests all fail with element not found.

I have tried adding test ID’s and accessibility identifiers. But no luck when running my tests.

Was hoping someone here has some experience with writing tests for react native apps or knows of a good tutorial

Full disclosure: I am an iOS tester, don’t know much about Android.

However, I did a google search on ‘appium react native’. Seems like there are a lot of good tutorials to choose from:

My search:

Results that look good to me:

thanks for the links. I had gone through those already.

I can get my IOS tests to work with xpath selectors, but none of the android tests work with any selector including xpath. I am wondering if there is something I have missed in my setup?

Here’s some React Native tutorials that can help you out.