Sign In with Google Not working

I have a sign in with Google button in my Android App. When I click on it, I can see the suggested google accounts. When I select any of these, I am not signed in.

If I install the same apk using adb commands, I am able to sign in. Has anyone faced a similar issue? How did you resolve it?

Do I need to add any kind of capabilities?

 const coreCapabilities = {
       platformName: 'Android',
       automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
      deviceName: 'Android',
      autoGrantPermissions: true,
      autoAcceptAlerts: true,
      newCommandTimeout: 9999,
      noReset: true,
     gpsEnabled: true
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Facing the same issue
let me know if anyone is able to figure this out

Has anyone found any solution around this?
Thanks in advance!