UIAutomatorviewer throws error

Hello guys,

I freshly installed appium setup in my laptop and while opening Uiautomatorviewer, it is shoing me the error’ A JNI error has occurred. Please check your administrator and try again’
When i click ‘OK’ there, then msg comes ‘A JAva exception has occurred’

Please lemme know how it can be resolved.


UI automator is not capturing the screenshot of android mobile, showing message like
"Error obtaining UI hierarchy.
Reason : Unexpected error while obtaining UI hierarchy "

Device : Nokia 6.1
API : 27
Android version : 8.0.1

Tried all the solutions posted above, still not able to resolve this error.
Guys, please help me in this.

Thanks in advance.


When I tried to launch the uiautomatorviewer . i am getting below error. I am trying on mac and using JAVA java 10.0.2 . Can you please some one help on the same?

Last login: Thu Aug 9 22:41:34 on ttys002
LBELALAD-M-91G4:~ lbelalad$ uiautomatorviewer
-Djava.ext.dirs=/Users/lbelalad/Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib/x86_64:/Users/lbelalad/Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib is not supported. Use -classpath instead.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Is there any workaround to this ?
Presently if the appium server is running, the UIAutomator cannot get the screenshot and page source from the device.

I think many of us would want the UIAutomator to work even if appium server is running, so that we can debug the code in Eclipse and also try different mechanisms.
This will reduce our effort.

Hi guys,

It seems like the issue is on uiautomatorviewer.

This is what I’ve been doing:

  1. Save the following commands as a batch or shell script.

adb shell uiautomator dump
adb pull /sdcard/window_dump.xml ui.uix
adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/ui.png
adb pull /sdcard/ui.png .

  1. Run the script. It will generate ‘ui.uix’ and ‘ui.png’ files in current directory.
  2. Load the ‘ui.uix’ and ‘ui.png’ files into ui automator viewer by clicking ‘Open’ button.

make sure the appium server is not running. Device is recognized via adb.
workaround is to use appium inspector

Thanks for this solution…it works for me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you very much! This is not a fix, but a good workaround.

Awesome TQ:). This script is working fine. But the button on the UIAUViwer is throwing error “EOF”

This worked.


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Still i am facing this issue after doing below steps:

adb shell uiautomator dump
adb pull /sdcard/window_dump.xml ui.uix
adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/ui.png
adb pull /sdcard/ui.png .

  1. Run the script. It will generate ‘ui.uix’ and ‘ui.png’ files in current directory.
  2. Load the ‘ui.uix’ and ‘ui.png’ files into ui automator viewer by clicking ‘Open’ button.

Could you please get me help out ?


Hello! What does not work?

This workaround work for me

@Saurav24 : download platform_tools older version 26 and replace adb.exe file from that folder with your current adb.exe in platform_tools folder.

I’m facing issue related to screenshot inspecting. I have tried out above steps, it worked for me but I cannot find out proper element locator. Only Locators for outer screen is visible. Can u please let me know?

if uiautomator not working for you then you can try appium desktop.

Thanks, it’s working, but i m used to uiautomatorviewer tool, want to invoke it manually and take the ss, pls help if any solution

bro switch to JAVA jdk1.8.0_231.jdk, it will work then

I hope this solution will help.

If you see this Error :
Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file: com.android.ddmlib.SyncException: Remote object doesn’t exist!

  1. Close the appium or stop the appium
  2. Open your emulator and open the app which you want to automate
  3. Then open the uiautomatorviewer from the tools folder
  4. Try click the device screenshot option uiautomatorviewer

It worked for me!


Hi Neha can u pls tell the error how to solve that