Unable to inspect and find element for Country drop down box in the form page of an app

el1 = driver.find_element_by_id(“com.cleartrip.android:id/nationalityAutoComplete”)

It gives drop down option with element but unable to inspect xpath,id,resource-id,text,class. Kindly guide how shall I implement so that once key has been passed,
on popup options it is able to pick the requested click and go to next tab.

When clicking on desired option it still showing the locator and selector of form page but not the popup window.

try enable “enableMultiWindows” capability.

“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “11.0”,
“deviceName”: “Android Emulator”,
“app”: “/Users/sadique.manzar/Desktop/APK/cleartrip.apk”,
“appPackage”: “com.cleartrip.android”,
“appActivity”: “com.cleartrip.android.activity.common.SplashActivity”,
“clearSystemFiles”: true,
“noReset”: true,
“enableMultiWindows”: true

Error : A new session could not be created. Details: io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.NoSuchDriverException: A session is either terminated or not started

Code correct. Problem in other place now.

Enable debug appium logs. More info will be found there.

it is a setting, not a capability

“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “11.0”,
“deviceName”: “Android Emulator”,
“app”: “/Users/sadique.manzar/Desktop/APK/cleartrip.apk”,
“appPackage”: “com.cleartrip.android”,
“appActivity”: “com.cleartrip.android.activity.common.SplashActivity”,
“clearSystemFiles”: true,
“noReset”: true,
“settings[enableMultiWindows]”: true

not working

            print("Selecting Nationality: {}".format(traveller_info.get('nationality')))
            self.waitForElementPopUp('com.cleartrip.android:id/nationalityAutoComplete', 'id')
            Nationality = self.driver.find_element_by_id('com.cleartrip.android:id/nationalityAutoComplete')
            self.driver.execute_script('mobile: performEditorAction', {'action': 'next'})
        except Exception as e:

Tried to implement like above to pass keys and when country dropdown window pop up with options the it should click on the value passed in the key.
but it is not clicking as I am not getting xpath,id,name,resource-id and accesibility-id for the dropdown window.
kindly guide.

It could be the control is simply not exposed to the system accessibility. In such case only the app developer could fix it by making the control accessible.

el2 = driver.find_element_by_id(“com.cleartrip.android:id/nationalityAutoComplete”)
el3 = driver.find_element_by_id(“com.cleartrip.android:id/countryOfBirthAutoComplete”)

After Passing key for Nationality, please refer the image, a window pop up with options. when I try to tap India in that window it is not taking the dropdown window tap instead of that it take the tap of form page next field for Birth Country.

Please suggest what shall I do.
Below is my capabilities detail

“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “11.0”,
“deviceName”: “Android Emulator”,
“app”: “/Users/sadique.manzar/Desktop/APK/cleartrip.apk”,
“appPackage”: “com.cleartrip.android”,
“appActivity”: “com.cleartrip.android.activity.common.SplashActivity”,
“clearSystemFiles”: true,
“noReset”: true