Unable to upload image from Gallery- Android Appium

Hey @Aleksei / @crujzo /@TuHuynh / @ …
Have you tried uploading image from android - device gallery…
i am actually stuck in getting image selected from the gallery where iam not able to select any image…
please look in to the attached screen shot below…

Is there any other andorid/appium method for uploading image from gallery

would be great if any can help out here…

Although i haven’t dealt which such problem before but if nothing seems to work then on an initial thoughts you can use tapping or long tapping using coordinates . Considering that your app need only a tap on the image to be uploaded.

i did not make it with Android. but with iOS did. it is easy to Add image into any simulator on the fly in code. in Android i did not find nice way to add/remove image nicely.

Thanks hariumesh for sharing the issue…
I am also facing the some issue please help us to solve this issue…

I was unable to get any resource ID’s from with the camera gallery on Android and ended up using the press/tap touch actions to hit x,y coordiantes for a specific “picture” location.

In Ruby it would be something like:
Appium:TouchAction.new.press(x:@x_location, y:@y_location).wait(5).release.perform

You can use a case statement or other logic to set the x,y coordinates for the picture of your choice.

I normally, try to avoid using x,y locations and prefer to identify elements, however I’m not sure that is possible in this case. Other app implementations may have other permissions/locators to hook into.

I can able to select the top 15 images but after that i have to scroll down its scrolling by using touchactions class but it cannot stop where i require please help me…