Use of Appium with no vision

Hello, guys! Hope you’re all well.

I’m a QA automator from Brazil and I’m giving a small training about android automation using Appium. I had a doubt with a non visual QA from my company about using a screen reader for seeing the elements of the application, kind of using the Appium inspector through that reader. I don’t know if this is already possible, so I’m opening this in a feature category. Could you please share with me if this is possible? I believe is a very interesting idea and it can bring more people for using the tools and expand the automation in an inclusion way.

Thanks in advance!

I am pretty sure that you are using the tool for a unintended purpose if you do. Appium is an automation tool, not a testing tool. Accessibility can be tested using dom inspecting tools, having Appium verify acessibility is not possible, since the web drivers it use don’t implement a standard for the kind of checks you will be wanting to do.

I am not saying we should not test this, but that other tools do a better job already, and we should look at those tools and how to use them together with Appium and any existing Continous Integration infrastructure.