WEBVIEW Context not found with Cordova app with latest version of appium, always returns NATIVE_APP

Hi Team,

We are facing issues with Cordova built app, the latest version of appium is not able to find the WEBVIEW context at all, it always returns the NATIVE_APP as context. We are using the IOS device.

We have tried creating the Hello world app with corodova Xcode project and that app also appium is not able to find the WEBVIEW.

I have installed the latest version of appium 1.6.5, and all prerequisites , iam able to launch the app in real device.

Appium Version : 1.6.5
Xcode : 8.3.2
Device : 9.3.2 (i-PAD)

Please let me know if there is any issues with appium with respect to cordova app.



Please help us with this issue. We are not able to use appium as it always returns NATIVE_APP and we are forced to use Native Xpaths even when the html xpaths with unique class, id is available.

Hi @Kiran_Bn did you able to get this resolve?

did you find a solution for this.?
Can someone help me? I am still facing this issue