When I open Appium Inspector I get a spinning wheel

The webdriver opens the app and the Appium webserver nothing has changed with the capabilities. I see XCUIScreen screenshotDataForQuality:rect:error.
I tried adding these additional capabilities but it did nothing:
“waitForQuiescence”: false,
“waitForQuietness”: false,
“wdaEventloopIdleDelay”: 7,
“eventLoopIdleDelaySec”: 4,
“startIWDP”: true

What are the capabilities you are providing for the appium inspector

platformName: IOS
platformVersion: 14.4
deviceName: my iPhone
app: com.env.appname
automationName: XCUITest
udid: xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xcodeOrgId: xxxxxxxxxx
xcodeSigningId: iPhone Developer

The error is this [XCUIScreen screenshotDataForQuality:rect:error:]

I solved this issue. I installed the newest Appium Version then deleted my old one even though Appium never noted it as old.

It came back today with no changes…so I guess I need to rebuild Appium dailey.