Windows Appium Desktop woes

Hello all,

Recently we did some extensive work on fixing the auto-update functionality for Appium Desktop.

These efforts were very successful on Mac, the recent Windows builds, however, have left a lot to be desired (PathTooLongException, check updates exception). The reason is because we had switched over from NSIS to Squirrel as our build tool because squirrel supports auto-updating with our updating server.

What I decided to do is instead of choosing between the two, we’re going to start building both Squirrel and NSIS. With the latest release, 1.5.0 you’ll see a new installer called Appium.Web.Setup.1.5.0.exe

This is what is called an NSIS-Web installer. What it does is it checks your environment (Windows OS version, 32 v. 64 bit, etc…) and then downloads the appropriate installer.

This new installer has the following benefits:

  1. Installs faster (I think)
  2. Adds shortcut to desktop
  3. Can choose per-machine vs. per-user installation (good for managed environments, administrative installation, etc…)

The only downside is no more auto-updates (which is actually a benefit for managed environments).

If anyone wants to give it a try and provide some feedback, I’d be happy to hear back!


@harshitj can you please try this build on a couple of windows machines.

Run both the installer(Appium.Web.Setup.1.5.0.exe) and ia32 exe setup(appium-desktop-Setup-1.5.0-ia32.exe) on couple of windows machine with different environment(current User and All User).

Also ,I repeat the process of install/uninstall appium couple of time with both the version.

With in few minute installation complete with the appium.web,setup. Also add shortcut to desktop.

However, appium-uiautomator2-server-v0.3.0.apk does not exist with the installer.

[Environment : Current User, Appium Web Setup]

[Environment : Current User, Appium Web Setup]

[Environment : All User, Appium Web Setup]

[Environment : All User, Appium Web Setup]

When i installed appium-desktop-Setup-1.5.0-ia32.exe and run script then i do not face this issue.

[Environment : Appium ia32 exe setup ]

Thanks for this! The error you found should be resolved with 1.6.1… I’m glad to know that installation worked okay.