Xcode version '0.0'. Support for Xcode 0.0 is not supported. Please upgrade to version 7.3 or higher

Xcode version ‘0.0’. Support for Xcode 0.0 is not supported. Please upgrade to version 7.3 or higher

Please help to find solution

Upgrade the server (preferably to appium@beta)

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Yes, upgraded and it is working thank you:)

could you please tell me how?

Hi Daad_abdullah,

Upgrade your appium server to 1.9.0 through npm and restart your machine it should work

thanks Dayanand , but it did not work, I upgraded the appium through terminal and checked it is 1.9.0 then Restarted my machine. same error occur after running the code in eclipse.

could you paste here the capabilities used in your script and did you configured provisional certificate ??

    dc.setCapability("platformVersion", "12.0");

    dc.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");

    dc.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone x");

    dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, "Safari");

dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.UDID, “E3C0BF34-2C02-4CDA-A9C2-DE4F6CC88AA9”);

what is provisional certificate ?

To create provisional certificate please follow below link:
this is used to register device through developer account and it will communicate with xcode and help user to run ios scripts.

you are missing 3 important capabilities i.e.

please use these three capabilities in your scripts just google in those three capabilities and use it if u face any problem please feel free to update here

thanks a lot . but is not this for making apps ?
I am just trying to automate testing using a simulator

It works with latest Appium