Xcodebuild failed with code 65 (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 32.63 seconds

Thanks Sir i am bale to launch application on IOS 10.

I’m having the same problem (Registry returned 404 for GET on https://registry.npmjs.org/carthage). Did you find a workaround for it by any chance?

Yeah thats the development team

Hi @crujzo, Were you able to find a solution for the carthage installation in this location /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent ??

Please help.

How did you launch the app. I’m stuck in “Unable to start Webdriver Agent”. Do have any solution to this ?

Follow these steps: Getting error "linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

@pavanbachu - I ran appium-doctor and noticed that I somehow have two versions of Carthage installed. One is in WebDriverAgent as expected, but the one that Appium Doctor points to is elsewhere:

info AppiumDoctor ✔ Carthage was found at: /usr/local/bin/carthage

Before I start trying to reconfigure everything, do you know if this could be causing me to get an xcodebuild failed with code 65 warning when trying to tests on the iOS simulator?

I’ve followed just about all of the instructions that I can find to get rid of this error and I’m just not getting anywhere. I’ve run Appium Doctor many times but all tests passed, so I never really thought to check the installation paths.

@crujzo, I am in the exact same position you were in. I have followed @pavanbachu 's instructions:

My path here:


Only lists:


As you can see, Carthage is not there. It is installed at /usr/local/Cellar/

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Appium, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Carthage through both npm and brew, to no avail.

The .xcconfig file I have created under WebDriverAgent is not being recognized. I am on appium --version 1.6.3. I would greatly appreciate any help.

@chiwhitesox56 Whats appium version ? Try with latest Appium Version and please share config file

@pavanbachu - Appium version is 1.6.3.

My Config.xcconfig file is as follows:

Can you please run Appium Doctor and let me know what it says regarding your Carthage installation? I think we’re on to something here…

Appium Doctor shows:

info AppiumDoctor ✔ Carthage was found at: /usr/local/bin/carthage

I also tried manually moving the Carthage folder to the WebDriverAgent folder. When I am in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/, the ls output shows:


My .xcconfig file looks identical to @chiwhitesox56’s, substituting our DEVELOPMENT_TEAM’s value.

I still see the error:

[Xcode] 	Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor.
	Code signing is required for product type 'UI Testing Bundle' in SDK 'iOS 10.2'

When I open the log file from the output, I see the following:

12:42:02.770 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-93092938-1E1E-428D-85A5-D43C2ACCBEE2 at 2017-01-11 12:42:02.768 with Xcode 8C38 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7f8cbdaaf930> {
		deviceSerialNumber:         CCQJL6X4F4K4
		identifier:                 <UDID>
		deviceClass:                iPod
		deviceName:                 Appname ipod
		deviceIdentifier:           <UDID>
		productVersion:             9.3.2
		buildVersion:               13F69
		deviceSoftwareVersion:      9.3.2 (13F69)
		deviceArchitecture:         armv7f
		deviceTotalCapacity:        29255876608
		deviceAvailableCapacity:    22654820352
		deviceIsTransient:          NO
		ignored:                    NO
		deviceIsBusy:               NO
		deviceIsActivated:          YES
		deviceActivationState:      Activated
		deviceType:                 <DVTDeviceType:0x7f8cbd4ee790 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
		supportedDeviceFamilies:    (
		applications:              (null)
		provisioningProfiles:      (null)
		activityProgress:          -2
		hasInternalSupport:        NO
		isSupportedOS:             YES
		developerDiskMountError:   (null)
	} (9.3.2 (13F69))
12:42:02.771 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] 	/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild
12:42:02.771 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
12:42:02.772 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] Initializing test infrastructure.
12:42:03.011 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] Test operation failure: Test operation was canceled.
12:42:03.011 xcodebuild[17827:6437112] _finishWithError:Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=3 "Test operation was canceled." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled.} didCancel: 1

I do not understand why it says that the provisioning profile is null? I confirmed with a dev that the device is signed with a provisioning prfile, and also manually copied the list of Provisioning Profiles to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Thanks, @TheChell

I do think you’ll want Carthage to be in the WebDriverAgent folder, but it looks like we need to figure out how to tell Appium to look there for Carthage rather than in /usr/local/bin/. I currently do not know how to instruct Appium to look in the WebDriverAgent folder for Carthage rather than in /usr/local/bin/.

I’ll look further into this. Maybe I’m wrong, but it does make sense considering that you, @crujzo and I are all getting code 65 errors and none of us
A) have Carthage installed in the WebDriverAgent folder
B) have Appium configured to look for Carthage in the WebDriverAgent folder

If this is not the cause of our problems, I’ll truly be at a loss. I’ve been stuck on this for almost a month now and nothing else I’ve tried is getting rid of this error.

I’ll also note that when I run which carthage, the output is /usr/local/bin/carthage

I’m seeing this too. WebDriverAgent gets installed on the simulator, opens, and then fails with code 65 without opening my app. My app does get installed though…

Were you able to resolve this issue?

Edit: Never mind - I resolved the issue: Xcodebuild failed with code 65 (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 32.63 seconds

@TheChell @crujzo

I can finally get the app to run on the simulator! (I’ll get to real devices next) I was able to do it with Carthage installed at /usr/local/bin/carthage - I did not have to move it to the WebDriverAgent folder.

First I reinstalled appium-xcuitest-driver:
npm install appium-xcuitest-driver

I noticed that the app was trying to open was wasn’t quite getting there. Turns out there was a miscommunication over the bundle ID. I updated that and now I can run the app on the simulator. So definitely double check bundle id, and make sure you’re pointing to .app / .ipa as appropriate. (Just adding this because it’s a common mistake for me.)

@chiwhitesox56, glad to hear you’ve made some progress and thank you for sharing your steps. I don’t believe my error is quite the same, however I did try uninstalling and reinstalling everything appium related ha.

At this point, I am only trying to successfully build the WebDriverAgent project in Xcode. I have gotten the errors down to two:

I still cannot figure out how to get rid of that signing error for WebDriverAgentRunner. I have the ProjectSettings.xcconfig file set just under the WebDriverAgent itself. And that xcconfig file is targeting both WebDriverAgentLib and WebDriverAgentRunner.

1 Like
  1. Make sure you are signed in with developer account in Xcode.
  2. Navidate to the folder </path/to/appium>/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/
  3. Open the WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj project in Xcode.
  4. Change the bunlder identifier for WebDriverAgentLib, WebDriverAgentRunner from com.facebook.Webdriver** to your choice so you can sign it with your provisioning profile.
  5. Build the project for WebDriverAgentLib, WebDriverAgentRunner and IntegrationApp targets.
  6. On the terminal, navigate to </path/to/appium>/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/ and run xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination ‘id=’ test
  7. Last line in the logs should read Listening on USB.
  8. Now run your appium scripts.

Refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/41628500/4066289

Reinstall appium
npm install -g [email protected]
move to usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/
run sudo npm install [email protected]
Replace [email protected] which will present inside node-modules with the folder present inside the appium.
open appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj and run the commands
mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle
sh ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d

In xcode sign all the three module

  1. WebDrivetAgentLib

After above steps run appium on terminal and start your script

ayudaaaaa mi correo es : [email protected]