XPath doesn't work correctly

Hi guys,

I’m using next environment:

appium server - (windows appium.exe distributive)
appium client - c# binding
device - genymotion emulator, API 4.3
appium instrumentation - selendroid
app - android native

The problem is next - when I use in xpath expressions “contains” or “text()” it didn’t return elements but it should for sure.

For example i have element with text “Hello”.
Next xpath returns 0 elements : Driver.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(text(),'Hello')]");

Have anyone faced a same problem?

P.S. : Does this have the same xpath locating behavier?
Driver.FindElementsByXPath() and Driver.FindElements(By.XPath())

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See this. Already posted - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the. Might be related since they both use the find by text capability of xpath.