Accentuation problem

Hello guys!
I don’t know if it’s a bug or not bug I realize a problem with accentuation in sendKeys method.

All the time when I try to send a text with a accentuation, like ç or ã the text is not sent in an EditText.



It happens in devices and emulator.
I’ve tested in a Galaxy S4 em Moto G2, and Android Emulator with API 19 and 21

Any suggestion?


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Ok, Let me revive this old topic.

I had some problem as this user, so I used extra capabilities:

capabilities.setCapability("unicodeKeyboard", true);
capabilities.setCapability("resetKeyboard", true);

This ways it starts to input characters, but its always inputting same strange character instead of the accent ones I’m providing (see screen:

Any thoughts?

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Ok, nevermind :smile:

Its cucumber that from feature to step its corrupting the character. If I provide the characters directly in my steps, all goes well.