I have a button that shows up to a blind person as, button. So I tried using appium.button(0) and got this
RuntimeError: 0 is not a valid xpath index. Must be >= 1
I see the code in Appium::Ios ele_index and was worried that it was using Fortran indexing (from 1) but then I found out that buttons[1] was the same as button(1) and for 2 as well.
My work around, until I get a label on that button, is to just use buttons[0] but it seems like a bug.
button(1) says return the first button (this follows XPath index rules, 1 is the first element)
buttons says generate a Ruby array (Ruby is 0 indexed) of all buttons. The first button in this array is buttons.first which is buttons[0]. The second button is buttons[1]. Note that the [] syntax is indexing into a Ruby array and those are always zero indexed.
I did more debugging and found that button(3) was buttons[0] and button(1) was the same as buttons[1] for my app
I ran this code while on the page I’m looking at:
def debug_buttons
sleep 2 #make sure there are no transitions
buttons = appium.buttons
5.times do |index|
puts " Dump button(#{index}): #{dump appium.button(index)}\n"
rescue Exception => e
puts " Dump button(#{index}): #{e.to_s}"
puts " Dump buttons[#{index}]: #{dump buttons[index]}"
def dump element
"l(#{element.location.x},#{element.location.y}) s(#{element.size.width},#{element.size.height}) text: #{element.text}"
rescue Exception => e
The output I got was
Dump button(0): 0 is not a valid xpath index. Must be >= 1
Dump buttons[0]: l(5.859375,31.15625) s(49.21875,35.15625) text:
Dump button(1): l(0,607.71875) s(187.5,58.59375) text: Create a new list
Dump buttons[1]: l(0,607.71875) s(187.5,58.59375) text: Create a new list
Dump button(2): l(187.5,607.71875) s(187.5,58.59375) text: Edit
Dump buttons[2]: l(187.5,607.71875) s(187.5,58.59375) text: Edit
Dump button(3): l(5.859375,31.15625) s(49.21875,35.15625) text:
Dump buttons[3]: undefined method `location' for nil:NilClass
Dump button(4): An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
Dump buttons[4]: undefined method `location' for nil:NilClass
Instruments finally stopped crashing. From the output, you can see there are 5 buttons. The button order is as expected. Note that iOS often duplicates elements so it’s not unusual to see the same element more than once. To uniquely identify an element on iOS, you’ll need to look at the path attribute in the xml output.
So I guess it just works different for UICatalog than it does for my app. I have a feeling the way my app is built is causing things to be different in a number of areas. I need to learn iOS development.
I wonder if the button method (and friends) should be 0 indexed instead of 1 indexed since most languages are 0 indexed. Watir 1.X was 1 based and it was a pain converting it to 0 based when watir webdriver came out.
The problem is XPath is super popular with appium’s non-technical users and that’s 1 indexed. I think button(1) returning the first button makes more sense for that.
I see the argument in favor of 0 indexing though and that’s how it was setup originally, before xpath was supported. If a bunch of ruby_lib users expressed interest then I’d be open to changing it however it’ll break everyones code.