Android runs very slow with Genymotion


Recently I started to use Appium with Android driver.
Before that I’ve used Appium for IOS automation (real device / simulator) and it works great.

With android , I’ve noticed that things are not so smooth … the execution of the test on Genymotion emulator takes a lot of time , sometimes the appium server hardly responding until it being restarted …

While I’m executing the same test on real device , it runs much faster.

I’m using appium 1.4.1 and java_client 3.1.0
the operating system is IOS

tested app runs on API 19+
Genymotion ver 2.5.2 (nexus 5 device)
the emulator has 4 CPU + 2GB ram

the main selector for element searching is contentDescription and sometimes elemnt’s id

the slowness I’m trying to describe is to find element by contentDesc / id takes 8-15 sec … to get text from it additional 10 sec…

as it mentioned , in real device it’s much faster
I definitely would use real device ,but the problem is a connection to internal assets which cannot be accessed from real device.

Any idea how to improve Android execution with Genymotion ?


common guys , none works here with android emulators ?

did you try to execute similar command using UiAutomation native Android test tool?

Actually not , Just tried to execute the same test on real device , and it did worked much faster …

tried on mac (Mac pro with 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 ):

Appium 1.4.10, Java-client 3.1.0, Genymotion 2.5.0, Nexus7_5.0_800x1280 (4 CPU, 1024 MB)
with emulator did sign up into play market and updated all applications available.

speed is very well. maybe very slightly less then on real device.