Appium desktop client crashes upon downgrading from 1.17.1. to 1.15.1 or any

To fix my on Screen keyboard issue on iOS Simulator with Appium 1.7.1. I was asked to downgrade from 1.17.1. to 1.15.1 and but while setting up the webdriver agent, appium crashed and moved to trash on my mAC machine.

What am I missing here.

What are the steps to downgrade ?

  1. I trashed the appium 1.17.1 desktop client
  2. Deleted the content from /Users/sxpras7/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  3. Installed the 1.15.1 dmg file from git hub
  4. Started the Appium desktop client server session.
  5. Got my simulators ready.
  6. Triggered the java code, and appium failed due to webd river agent missing/cocoa sync error.
    WebdriverAgent Issue Fix:
    followed below steps to fix the missing file and getting webdriver agent ready
  7. Go to Terminal, set the path for WebdriverAgent (cd /Applications/
  8. Run the following commands (Run only on outside USBank network using wifi or other networks for avoiding proxy issues)
  • mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle
  • sh ./Scripts/ -d
  1. Appium 1.15.1 desktop client crashed and moved to trash.

Could some one pls line up the exact steps to follow upon downgrading appium and when it changes the web driver agent path on your mac machine.

OS: macOS Catalina
Appium desktop: 1.17.1, 1.15.1, 1.17.0
Simulator: yes
Platform: iOS
The whole stuff is frustrating for me.