Hi guys,
Can we get the status of connection established between Appium server and its corresponding android device?
Hope will get suggestions on this…!!
Thanks & Regards,
Vijay Bhaskar.
Hi guys,
Can we get the status of connection established between Appium server and its corresponding android device?
Hope will get suggestions on this…!!
Thanks & Regards,
Vijay Bhaskar.
I believe someone may came across this.
Thanks & Regards,
Vijay Bhaskar.
Not sure whether you could find your answer since this post seems old but i was facing the similar issue when the network is slow or when you are on VPN. Basically, there is a default timeout of 5 seconds inbuilt into the appium server which waits for the adb commands to respond back and on slower networks, the command response takes more than 5 seconds.The ay to fix this is as follows:
In your Desired capabilities, set the capability as below:
final DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
where 10 is timout in seconds for getting the device ready
You can watch this video https://youtu.be/_4Pb7iNcMto
Download chrome driver from the latest chrome driver, and place it in the appium folder: …\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-chromedriver\chromedriver\win
It worked for me.
Even I was facing the same issue, I did a silly mistake I checked the “Use Browser” checkbox in Appium GUI. It automatically resolved when I unchecked it.
I dont know if this has been answered, but set ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME path in configurations in Appium Desktop Client to your SDK and Java Installation respectively. Should fix the issue.
cap.setCapability(“automationName”, “uiautomator2”);
for android version above 8
cap.setCapability(“automationName”, “uiautomator1”);
for android version below 4