Appium ios configuration

if i have some script that run in selenium , the test were written in vs2010 in c#
now i want this test to run on ios device is its possible? how?

anyone help i want to run my test from visual studio on ios device
is it posible?

I don’t think you can do that… as far as I know Visual studio doesn’t work on Mac OS :frowning:

if i install vmware with ios operation system(in the ios i install the xcode) on my window
than run tests with the visual studio - is it also impossible ?

You will be running tests from Windows and the device will be read from Windows, but how can you expose xcode’s specific functionalities/libraries to the VM??? That would be nearly impossible.

in my visual studio i will configure in my code
driver = new AppiumDriver(new Uri(“http://virtual machine ip:4723/wd/hub”), capabilities);
in the mac that sit as virtual machine in my computer- the appium server will listen and
and there is option in vmware to connect device to the virtual machine
what do you thing?

Give it a try and let me know how it goes :smile:

@franklamt- were you able to run the test on simulator running on virtual machine