Appium is not working for android

Its an issue if i am trying to run from Eclipse without setting Environment variables in Eclipse. I have ran the code from Appium desktop and it worked very much fine.

That’s the thing. You shouldn’t have the need to set the environment variables in Eclipse as it should pick them from the shell session it runs in.

Good job! This is a regular problem for people, unfortunately.

Yeah, the issue is with eclipse.

Theory vs Practice. Sometimes you have to live in the real (imperfect) world.

I’ve set up Eclipse on my iMac before to run Appium projects and never had the need to set the environment variables on it. That’s the weird thing; I don’t know what’s different on his setup and so he has to set the variables on the IDE.

As a QA I try not to rely on anecdotal evidence. I’m really glad that Eclipse works for you out of the box. A simple search of this website or the greater web shows that it doesn’t work for most. I’m just trying to offer the best solution for this.

As a QA I can assure you that my setup working is not anecdotal evidence.

Also, I do not know how you can assert that it doesn’t work “for most.” You’d have to have numbers to make such an assessment.