After some research we decided to implement our automation with appium and we really loved it. But apparently we are not able to run our tests on lollipop. The test is basically 3 lines of code:
- Initialize the driver
- Find element by xpath
- Swipe over the element
Our timeout is set to 40 seconds, but it still not enough time on lollipop (same test on android 4.* takes around 5 second).
Please advise!
Are you using real device or emulator?
Picking up for Micky,
We are using real devices. The tests run fine on Android versions 4.x but on 5.x and 6.x they take a long time (and sometimes simply get stuck).
The main problem is that it happens on one specific activity. This activity creates the widgets in runtime (not by inflating a layout xml file). In other activities (inflated from xml) the tests run fine.
Any ideas?
From further examination of the python script I can see that the swipe up action is the problem.
We are swiping up (I found some bugs reported by users when trying to swipe from the bottom of the screen to the top here - https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/4199).