Arc deviceName can't be blank

I am doing the appium tutorial:

when I get to starting the ruby console, I get this error:
response.rb:69:in `assert_ok’: A new session could not be created. Details: The desiredCapabilities object was not valid for the following reason(s): deviceName can’t be blank, (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError)

Any suggestions why this would be occurring?


I too am working through the tutorial which appears horribly out of date (here yet another 5 months later). Not sure how anyone gets started using appium with it like that - hopefully it isn’t a dead project. Anyways I found you have to add another parameter to the appium.txt file that contains the device name as reported by adb. So, first run

adb devices

Then take your device name and add it to the appium.txt file like this:

platformName = "android"
deviceName = "emulator-5554"
app = "./api.apk"

You need to add deviceName to your cap.

I agree documentation has become stale, you can submit PR with enhancements as well; it can be of great help to community.

Appium is very much alive and in good health :grinning: and it’ll survive + prosper along with Selenium.

I think Saucelabs is short of resources to keep multiple things upto date.