Can't find element on Android

Yess u can… It is as same as you do it in selenium webdriver…


can u please give any example :neutral_face:

This might help you…


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I have the same issue @bc has mentioned: unable to find edittext when there are multiple exittext are present on Android app. @bc, did any solution work for you?

  1. I tried, but failed when there are multiple elements on the page. This approach works for iOS app but not for android app.

    AppiumDriver’s findElementByAccessibilityId(element’s value of context-desc).click(); <-- always finds first element from the page
    AppiumDriver’s findElementByAccessibilityId(element’s value of context-desc); <-- always finds first element from the page
    AppiumDriver’s findElementByAccessibilityId(element’s value of context-desc).sendKeys(textdata);

  2. Tried with accessing and entering values using xpath, and worked perfectly fine for iOS and Android app.

    WebDriver’s clickOnElement(By.xpath(xpath of the element));
    WebDriver’s findElement(By.xpath(xpath of the element)).clear();
    WebDriver’s findElement(By.xpath(xpath of the element)).sendKeys(textdata);

The value for Android app’s content-desc is same as iOS app’s id. Does anyone have solution for this?

Guys, is anyone looking into the problem mentioned?

you should find this by Xpath or by List