I’m migrating from appium v1 to v2, and I’m hitting a wall where I can’t register my simulators on the grid. So in my setup I have 4 available simulators each one with a unique UDID (let’s call them A/B/C/D), and previously I would connect each one of them to my hub like this:
appium -a -p 4723 --udid A --webdriveragent-port 8100 --nodeconfig config.json
I changed it to:
appium -a -p 4723 --udid A --driver-xcuitest-webdriveragent-port 8100 --nodeconfig config.json
However this flag no longer exists. Maybe it’s me messing something, and this flag was renamed or something, if that’s the case I’m sorry for missing it.
Without this capability I can’t achieve my goal here, have more than 1 simulator connected to the grid from the same machine.