I have created a separate thread for this discussion but decided to include this question in this thread as it seems to be active.
I need help on running test cases from Selenium Grid server machine running as a hub with the devices connected to the node and here’s what I have:
I have a iMac running Mavericks (10.9.5) running Selenium Grid server as a hub. I also have a MacBook Air (running on Mavericks) running Selenium Grid as a node. Appium is running from terminal on port 5000 with --uuid parameter pointing to my iOS device connected to the node.
What works:
If the test cases are on the node, I’m able to run 2 devices in parallel from the node and the node is pointing to the Selenium Gid hub on the iMac.
What I wanted to achieve: (for troubleshooting, I’m only connected to one iOS device on the node).
I would like to have the test cases on the hub machine and this will give me a benefit of having the test scripts in one single location rather than duplicating on each of the nodes. I changed the DesiredCapabilities to point to the node and when I try to instantiate a new IOSDriver, I’m getting a “Session not created error: Bad app: Unable to locate the app”. The app is located on the server hub and the path is all correct as I verified from the command line on the server with the stat command and it returns back the .app file. The following is the code that is run from the hub machine:
app = /Volumes/Server/Apps/iOS/SampleApp.app (the sample app is lying on the server from where the following code is running:
File appPath = new File(app);
capabilities.setCapability(“app”, appPath.getAbsolutePath());
IOSDriver iOSDriver= new IOSDriver (new URL(http://nodeipaddress:5000), capabilities);
The code is throwing exception on the last line when it is trying to instantiate a new IOSDriver.
But, the same code works when run from the node as shown below. Also, the SampleApp.app is lying on the node.
app = /Volumes/Node/Apps/iOS/SampleApp.app
File appPath = new File(app);
capabilities.setCapability(“app”, appPath.getAbsolutePath());
IOSDriver iOSDriver= new IOSDriver (new URL(http://hubipaddress:4444), capabilities);
I tried the following:
1.changed from getAbsolutePath to getCanonicalPath() and it fails with the same error
2.Changed the path to System.getProperty(“user.dir”) + "…/…/Node/Apps/iOS and this doesn’t work too.
Ideally, I wanted to keep the test cases in one location and remote execute on the devices connected to the node. Please help.
So, to summarize, when the test cases are run from the hub machine (Machine 1) with the .app lying in a folder on the hub machine, I would like the .app to be installed on the device connected to the node (Machine 2) while the test cases are running from Machine 1.