Connecting appium server to selenium grid for android

@bhaskar :- You can watch my above video from 2:13.

Hi @Appium_Master,I have seen your video’s a nice video… I’m trying to connect my android device to the grid…when adb connect …it shows below error.

How can i resolve it?Please suggest me that how to connect to the grid.

Please check my video to connect device over wifi
Appium Tutorial- ADB OVER WIFI:

it will reslove your issue

I saw your video twice…nice video. Ya it is resolved. Thank you @Appium_Master .But I’m unable connect through Grid. it is showing error… Could you please go through the following link,my post looks there.

Hi @Appium_Master … Could you please give me nodeconfig.json information !!!

Thank you in advance :smile:

“browserName”: “note3”,
“device”: “Appium”,
“maxInstances”: 1,
“proxy”: “org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy”,
“maxSession”: 1,
“port”: 4568,
“host”: “localhost”,
“register”: true,
“registerCycle”: 5000,
“hubPort”: 4040,
“hubHost”: “localhost”

I have done the same as u said…but again it shows the same error…

@Appium_Master , please suggest me to get out of this error…Thank you in advance.!!!

@Srikanth_Katakam , could you please solve this if you know .!! Thank you in advance. :cry:

Hi @bhaskar ,
‘Cannot find module’ is a node error, not an appium or grid related error.
If you are using AppiumForWindows, you must execute “node node_modules/appium” from AppiumForWindows folder instead of “node .”.

Hi @rgonalo… Many Thanks for your reply.!!! I’m not using Appium for windows(.exe)… i have installed it through command prompt by node.js…like " npm install -g appium "

Appium 1.34
Windows 7

Then you must use “appium --nodeconfig …”

Thanks alot @rgonalo . its working fine a bit…but showing error…

My json file looks like as follows… Are there any changes required? Please let me know if any…!!! Thanks in advance.

“browserName”: “ANDROID”,
“device”: “LG Nexus5”,
“maxInstances”: 1,
“proxy”: “org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy”,
“maxSession”: 1,
“port”: 4723,
“host”: “localhost”,
“register”: true,
“registerCycle”: 5000,
“hubPort”: 4444,
“hubHost”: “localhost”

I have tried alot with many nodeconfig.json files, again and again it shows the same error…even i have tried with the samples posted by many others…i couldn’t get the result except the error as follows,

I have tried alot…but no use.Any suggestions on this???

@Appium_Master @rgonalo @Hassan_Radi

I tried your file and it worked fine from my side. I can confirm that it is neither a problem with Appium nor with your configurations.

For some unknown reason your keyboard might be inserting the wrong characters, so please download the following file node.txt), change the extension from .txt to .json (as the website here forbids uploading .json files) and try again.

Also to make sure that there is no syntax error with your json file, you can use the following website:

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you can try to put your config file path into quotes like:> appium --nodeconfig “d:\your_path\file_name.json”

hi All

how i can run appium instance as bat file to register selenium grid


How i set default android path and android sdk/build-tools path but it was taking some other path can u fix it

Now I am able to connect my device to Grid…!!!
Thank you @Hassan_Radi and all …

Hi @nirmal_kumar
Please Make sure that, there is no gap (white spaces) between the words you have given in your path…!!!