Hi Guys,
Can any one tell me the difference between webview in hybrid app vs browser
Is there any difference between identifying elements in both?
Hi Guys,
Can any one tell me the difference between webview in hybrid app vs browser
Is there any difference between identifying elements in both?
It is the strange question…
I think there is no difference of the element identification.
The main difference is that WebView is Html content inside native container of the mobile app. It is recognized differently from browser by Appium as well as by Selenium. When you work with browser sometimes you have to manage the switching from one window/tab to another.
driver.switchTo().window(stringHandle); //window is a browser tab or window by itself
When you work with hybrid app sometimes you have to do the same in another way:
((ContextAware) driver).context(contextName); //contextName is NATIVE_APP or WEBVIEW
It is possible that I understood something wrong.